Indeed, it is difficult to say which is easier to believe in: that which we have never seen or those things seen from multiple diametrically opposed perspectives. Therefore, believe in what your heart shows you to be true.
Pavel Chubynsky
They that shine light in the darkest hour will set ablaze the hearts of all souls to the ends of the Universe.
Vasyl Stus
No room is too small to confine the boundless spirit of one that is truly free.
Ada Lovelace
If you are certain you know something well, then you are quite guaranteed to be far from understanding.
Maya Angelou
Grace and greatness seem to flow effortlessly, but few know the trials and tribulations that have shaped that ease.
Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca
We cannot fail to love one another any more than the waves of the ocean might push themselves apart.
Hryhorii Skovoroda
Dream big and deep so that every step on your journey might be light and effortless.
Pyotr Tchaikovsky
While inspiration is much like a bolt of lightening, you will have to climb up the highest mountain and into the clouds for it to strike you.
Boticelli's Venus
The soul of those that came before us is known by the imprints they left behind in the course of living their lives. The more deeply present you are in this moment, the stronger the footprint you leave in the sands of time, rippling forever into future generations.
Billie Holiday
Often, being right has more severe consequences than being wrong.
Simone de Beauvoir
You are are not born who you are – you must choose to become that person.
Gabriela Mistral
Vulnerability deepens the heart’s wound, making it possible to love without limitation.
Suzon at Folies-Bergère (Manet)
Every thought and action that comes from you ripples into humanity as the waves of an ocean – may they be imbued with love, without exception.
Hedy Lamarr
For those that will be madly in love with life, life will surely love them back.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Only through strength are the depraved weaknesses of hatred and aggression banished.
Saddartha Gautama
Often, belief is the only thing that can carry you over the ocean of doubt. Do not for a moment let go of this conviction, as will often not know you have reached the other side until you feel the earth beneath your feet.
Maria Montessori
A child is first shaped before she may shape herself. How that process is guided may either change or threaten the world.
Young Georgia O'Keefe
To be sensitive to this life is to know terror – and from that place arises the deepest, most unconditional love.
Eva Peron
The brighter the light, the stronger the shadows that will be cast.
Emmeline Pankhurst
When you know with your entire being that something is not right, a billion voices against you could not change your heart.
Queen Nanny of the Maroons
The human race is but one blood, one people. May the blazing sun of love and compassion melt the cold, frozen hearts of those that refuse to see it.
Henry Dunant
War is a symptom of the terminal diseases of ignorance, superstition, and malice.
Lao Tzu
Receiving love from another carries one through terrible moments, but not until you choose to love when it is most difficult will you truly come to know selfless compassion and strength.
Pearl S. Buck
Often, the desire for great happiness washes away countless, smaller joys that could have made all the difference.
Helen Keller
Uncontrolled aggression only leads to self-inflicted pain, and only when there is no pain may there be peace.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Your dreams need not be acknowledged by any other that you might take flight across a sea of worthy challenges.
Kvitka Cisyk
Deep grief lays the contrast through which we may know and cherish deep love.
Orville and Wilbur Wright
Simply because only birds are born with wings does not mean you cannot fly.
Andrew Carnegie
If you will spend your time listening to what people are saying, you may not notice what they are doing.
Alexander Graham Bell
If you will concern yourself with all the doors that have closed, you might miss the one that is wide open.
Young Margaret Thatcher
Character was never built on a foundation of envy.
George Washington Carver
Hope has nowhere to go without the wind of vision. Envision the future you most desire in order that hope may come to you with open arms.
Vera Atkins
In order to recognize wolves in sheep’s clothing, it may be necessary to spend a great deal of time with wolves.
Frida Kahlo
You will step on many feet, should you devote your life to helping others walk carefully.
Virginia Woolf
The powers that be can do whatever they please to limit what you say, but only you can decide how free the mind will be.
Queen Elizabeth I
There is no cure for past mistakes other than brave decision to acknowledge and forgive.
Michael Faraday
What we know to be true is but a bridge across an ocean of doubt on the way to the inconceivable.
Anna Politkovskaya
Hold fast to the truth as you would a tree in a fierce storm – and it will save you from being swept away by lies, deceit, and confusion.
Marquis du Pompadour
Every decision has equal potential for benevolence and aggression. Before you open a door, make absolutely sure you are on the right side of it.
Juan de Pareja
Premeditated inspiration is bound to its own agenda, as a wild dancer that watches himself in the mirror. Your creations will be colored with your weaknesses to the degree you have not surrendered yourself to that dance. Dance wildly or do not dance at all.
Mary Shelley
There is enough misery in the world to learn from, lest you seek out your own.
Empress Theodora I
A calm ocean cannot know the power and fury of a tidal wave.
Mykola Hohol
Rich is the soul that refuses the nature to trivialize everything in exchange for the meaning in each breath.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
The eyes are only the first frontier in the endless spectrum of perspectives on reality.
Young Eleanor Roosevelt
If you spend your life running away from that which scares you, great purpose will never stare you in the eyes.
Amelia Earhart
Without courage, there can be no peace.
Benjamin Franklin
A short life lived well is far better than a long life wasted.
Princess Olha of Kyiv
Identity is self-proclaimed and eternally sovereign, needing absolutely no approval from any authority, be it kind and loving or drunken with avarice and hatred.
Irena Sendlerowa
When you feel an other’s plight as your own, you will face all odds to save her. Otherwise, the heart is yet sleeping.
A brilliant mind with no heart is much like beautiful fruit with no taste.
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