Any dream, no matter how fantastic, will come true if you will only have the courage to embrace it.
Civilizations rise and fall, generation after generation, yet the Sun blazes endlessly, unchanged by time. Your heart, truly your entire being, is that very Sun. Devote your life to that, and all will be transformed.
Ada Lovelace
If you are certain you know something well, then you are quite guaranteed to be far from understanding.
Margaret Sanger
Life created mindfully grows a future full of hope.
Abraham Lincoln Smiling
By steadfastly looking for the strengths in others, you will soon be surrounded by strong people.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Only through strength are the depraved weaknesses of hatred and aggression banished.
Vasyl Stus
No room is too small to confine the boundless spirit of one that is truly free.
Bogdan Khmelnitsky
Plant your roots firmly in the ground so that your branches might grow far and wide.
Annie Oakley
Rare is the person who will hit their target on the first try, but rarer yet is that person who will miss a million times on the way to mastery.
Lesya Ukrainka
Perhaps the biggest shame of all is to accept and surrender to one’s fate, doing nothing to clear the path that your heart might follow.
Susan B. Anthony Smiling
The form in which you are born can in no way hinder you from becoming a great force of nature.
Maurice Ravel
When love flows through you with the power of a thousand waterfalls, it will transform transform reality into a living dream.
Ingrid Bergman
Great is the gift of knowing how your words and actions affect other lives before you have come to know better.
Young Eleanor Roosevelt
If you spend your life running away from that which scares you, great purpose will never stare you in the eyes.
Queen Elizabeth II
Children carry what we give them into all future generations – therefore, give them only love and compassion.
American Gothic
Time passes slowly. Have patience, plant seeds, wait, and grow in your joy.
Tragedy and disappointment require a great commitment of energy and time, both of which would better be spent laughing, loving, and creating beauty in others lives.
Young Mohandas Gandhi
One silent, true prayer in the heart is worth one million spoken words.
Young Winston Churchill
A bird does not fly high into the sky by avoiding the wind.
Charlotte Brontë
If you have spent but a single moment calculating the wrongs committed against you, precious time has been lost on the journey to unconditional happiness.
Indeed, it is difficult to say which is easier to believe in: that which we have never seen or those things seen from multiple diametrically opposed perspectives. Therefore, believe in what your heart shows you to be true.
Pyotr Tchaikovsky
While inspiration is much like a bolt of lightening, you will have to climb up the highest mountain and into the clouds for it to strike you.
Queen SeonDeok
Premeditated inspiration is bound to its own agenda, as a wild dancer that watches himself in the mirror. Your creations will be colored with your weaknesses to the degree you have not surrendered yourself to that dance. Dance wildly or do not dance at all.
Serhiy Prokofiev
Every act must in some way, no matter how small, elevate humanity and lead it closer to a radiant future.
Hedy Lamarr
For those that will be madly in love with life, life will surely love them back.
Rosa Parks
Fear has no place in a heart that has resolved to do what is right.
Bela Bartok
Slow, careful steps toward grand ideas avoid the destruction of sudden revolution.
Raoul Wallenberg
If you will wait until tomorrow to do what your heart commands, you may find yourself waiting forever.
Vera Atkins
In order to recognize wolves in sheep’s clothing, it may be necessary to spend a great deal of time with wolves.
Mykola Leontovych
If you will look for a reason to bring beauty into this world, the world itself may argue against it. Therefore, do not look for reasons, simply create light rather than shadows.
Sir Isaac Newton
The more complex you make a problem, the harder it will be to climb out of it.
Ramana Maharshi
Thoughts are only camouflage for who you truly are, deep in the Heart.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
The eyes are only the first frontier in the endless spectrum of perspectives on reality.
Elizabeth Blackwell
When the world has told you that your aspirations are impossible, it is your sacred obligation to prove them wrong.
Billie Holiday
Often, being right has more severe consequences than being wrong.
Ana Aslan
Age is absolutely irrelevant when you have an ideal to fight for.
Allan Holdsworth
You might search your whole life to belong when, all the while, you’ve been opening vistas into the heart that no one dared dream of.
Jean Sibelius
Monuments dedicated to great souls cover the world, but not one of them depicts a critic.
Charles Chaplin
You can trust deeply only those that would trust you with their life and more.
Dorothea Lange
The eyes see nothing the heart does not permit them to.
Nadine Gordimer
One that is wildly alive can never be neutral, especially in matters of the heart.
Young Princess Diana
Happiness alone has the power to grant true forgiveness.
Empress Theodora I
A calm ocean cannot know the power and fury of a tidal wave.
Matthew Alexander Henson
Visions come only to those who have freed perception from the limited horizon of self.
Young Mona Lisa
Settling on the pleasant can provide many years of comfort, whereas an endlessly evolving perspective affords undying enjoyment.
Young Georgia O'Keefe
To be sensitive to this life is to know terror – and from that place arises the deepest, most unconditional love.
Clara Barton
No matter how painful the past or present may be, there will forever be the potential for a brighter future --- only we, alone or in groups, may refuse to allow change.
Volodymyr Sosiura
Love your people in both your waking life and dreams, and the world will be your family.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Your dreams need not be acknowledged by any other that you might take flight across a sea of worthy challenges.
Rosalind Franklin
Who and what we choose to be today forges the very people that will inhabit our future – both our triumphs and failures are magnified in time.
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