Receive the Vision

Do you not find it intriguing that the average person is not the least doubtful that invisible waves of energy, full of a limitless spectrum of music, art, video, and other information can be received, processed, and displayed on miniature hand-held devices – yet this same person, when told that we exist in an even deeper and broader array of energetic information, untapped by the gross senses, would categorically deny its existence for lack of said handheld device that can tune it in?

The human brain, as an excellent filter, creates several misconceptions, not the least of which is that an individual is defined by the body. For many people, that is where perception begins and ends. But it is this very misconception that, when lifted, opens perspectives on reality that are unfathomable to the average radio, TV, and media hypnotized mentality.

The Vision begins with Transmission

At the heart of the World Visionary Society is a radically effective means to disrupt the deep hypnosis of bodily and mental awareness – allowing access to an infinite array of information streams. Vast sources of such information, exhaustively connecting everything from biology to advanced quantum mechanics, is pervading both you and your environment at this very moment, but the complex of human mind and emotion eclipse its existence.

In order to reverse the force of primitive human consciousness, it is necessary to become “entangled” with another being – appearing in your Homo Sapien shape and form – a human that lives and perceives from a point of view that is not temporal or 3-dimensional. And by virtue of this connection, you may be powerfully entangled and tangibly involved in a process of supraluminal transmission that can gradually duplicate and expand a realization beyond the cognitive structures of your mind.

This transmission is the core vision of our Society and the concrete means by which all other biophysical and psychological remodeling becomes not only possible but guaranteed. With increasing exposure to the transmission, the convoluted struggles of “self-work” will spontaneously be released, and layer by layer, misperceptions of reality can be removed. In this way, the totality of your experience of reality will become progressively less filtered by the body and mind, and open to new directions and depths previously inaccessible to both waking and sleeping consciousness.

Ultimately, transmission is a transpersonal event that goes far beyond intra-human / intra-organismal entanglement. Though it begins with a single contact, its purpose is to spread throughout the entire collective of Homo Sapien consciousness like a wild fire, increasing in intensity and depth with each person that fully resonates with its realization. Therefore, once you have received the vision, it will then be your natural obligation to give it to others, through both physical and mental entanglement in their lives.

Quantum entanglement is your reality

For the majority of people encountering these words and concepts for the first time, it may seem to have a striking resemblence to other pseudoscientific and philosophical ideologies that have become increasingly popular in our time. Others of you may actually have experience of transmission as a result of coming in contact with human beings that have, to one degree or another, evolved the capabilities mentioned above. History is replete with anecdotes of people entering into higher states of consciousness simply by being in the same room or proximity with so-called “enlightened individuals”. Regardless of your perspective on this matter, science is growing each day in its awareness of the holographic nature of reality, at every level of life. And that reality necessarily includes quantum entanglement at all echelons of nature’s hierarchy.

Altered states of consciousness in physical proximity to human transmitters could potentially be explained by laws of electromagnetism and hypnosis. However, such events stretch the boundaries of science when they involve great distances – distances over which lines of electromagnetic transmission lose their power. Even in the world of quantum mechanics, entanglement has been observed only at the particle level. Such particles, after coming in contact with each other, display resonance such that the state of one will forever affect the state of the other, regardless of distance. 

What is of great importance in our Society’s consideration of entanglement is the means by which human observation of particles can effect their state. It has been posited that all particles are simultaneously in all potential states, and it is the measurement or observation of them that collapses the infinity of possibility into a finite, quantifiable form. It is precisely via this observer effect that human consciousness also – persistently, in every moment – filters the superstate of all of our constituent cells, molecules, and atoms into a concrete, quantified being. And it is this very mechanism of filtration – the collapse of all moments and dimensions into a particular time, place, and state – that forms the basis for human cognition and, thus, our disconnection from the totality of information in which we live.

Waiting for the scientific community to catch up with formulaic proof of the existence of “intra-human quantum entanglement” is a weak strategy, at best. With every loop-hole that is resolved, another waits on the horizon promising deconstruction of sound theories. It is simply not useful because it does not address the original problem: the human cognitive apparatus and the role it plays in our perception of reality. In other words, the observer effect is ever interfering. Transmission, in the World Visionary Society, is the very mechanism by which that cognitive structure is disrupted and made transparent, allowing for more than an objective, analytical apprehension of entanglement. It is a direct encounter, at every layer of consciousness, with a reality prior to the mind and its contents. Transmission is the next step in human evolution.

Bi-Monthly Transmission

At this time, two 30-minute sessions a month are offered to formal members and students via the internet, covering all major time zones. These sessions offer an unprecedented opportunity for encounter with the transmission. 

During each session, you will be sensitized to the mechanism of body-mind hypnosis preventing you from a full awareness of the deeper reaches of subconscious and unconscious mind. It is important to understand that the Master-Teacher is not personally causing any effect in you or in your perception. Rather, this person is simply turning up the lights in the dark room of mind, so that its functional limitations might be revealed and released. 

Transmission is not exclusively a physical phenomena, though it may be carried and conveyed using mechanisms of voice, action, and thought. Such mechanisms give the mind an anchor for contemplation, allowing thoughts to be redirected to symbols and forms outside the ordinary, everyday stream of consciousness. In this sense, the Master-Teacher’s voice is one of the most potent mechanisms for transmission. Increased exposure to the sound and form of that voice will eventually stop the mind and allow an amplification of the synchronicity of each moment in time. This will cause a disruption in serialized thought patterns and the emergence of an entirely different order of perception. This is the foundation of the Way.

What to Expect

Individuals familiar with meditative techniques may encounter more obstacles than those that have never engaged in such practices. The reason for this is that the process is more efficient in those people that do not bring any premeditated presumptions to the table about “transcendental contemplation”. The more you will be able to simply sit, listen, and observe – without any form of body or mind manipulation – the greater will be your capacity to allow the shift in perception the transmision carries.

Each session begins with 15-minutes of “discourse” connected with one or more of the functional areas of formal practice. They are not given for interpretation but, rather, merely for listening. This creates a foundation for the last 15 minutes of the session, which are conducted in pure silence. This is when the the psycho-physical effects of transmission are allowed to expand and develop most deeply.

Because this communication is coming from a depth more profound and prior to the ordinary waking-mind’s thoughts, many people do not have any tangible experience in the very beginning. If resistance is encountered consistently, enrollment in our health optimization program is recommended. This program will allow you to identify and resolve genetic, biological, and psychological hindrances that prevent the process from evolving effectively.

The beginnings of awakening

The answers you seek do not lie in the complexes of reality as you perceive it. The web humanity has weaved throughout the course of our evolution may not be unraveled using the the structures of the body and mind – the product of that process. The human organism and its reflective mind is merely the illusion of separateness caused by the mechanism of filtration – the collapse of the superstate of all possibilities into a specific moment in time and space.

Our waking consciousness has appeared within this filtered reality and is held captive by its apparent laws and limitations. We have been asleep for so long within this dream of evolution that the origin of consciousness has been consummately forgotten. Nonetheless, before this universe even appeared, the intention was made, outside of time, to infuse every particle with the totality, the entirety of all possibilities. Transmission is available in every human generation as a reminder – within the dream of our physical world. And it leads to the reversal of reality filtration and the amnesia which it has produced.

You can overturn the nightmare

All the voices looking for meaning in all the cultures throughout time are none other than the cry of amnesia. And though the history of our universe seems to be incomprehensibly vast from our point of view, it is just the beginning of a process that only now is beginning to make itself known in the individual consciousness of human beings. What contemporary  society says your destiny will be and what, in the realm of possibility, it could be – are diametrically opposed concepts. If you do not know how to dream, how will you change your reality? If you cannot see beyond the four walls of this Universe’s room, how do you know for sure what is “outside?”

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