Frequently Asked Questions


I see very little discussion of enlightenment throughout your site, and a lot of vague talk about dreams, Universal Mind, True Self, and transmission. Most other teachers face the topic of enlightenment head on. Why are you avoiding it?

Look again. Enlightenment is a topic we discuss in many areas of our site, in particular the sections on The Way and Mastery. Our definition of enlightenment, however, greatly differs from the traditional descriptions in Eastern spiritual and religious traditions. Enlightenment in The Way of the Giver is not a future event in time and space nor the culmination of prolonged periods of intense manipulation of the body or mind. It does not presume a need to return to a prior or original state nor accept notions that the ego is undesirable. Conceptions of ascension or transcendence do not apply to Your True Self. You are never going to be any closer to Your Self than you are now. Your feeling of distance from bliss or boundless happiness is an illusion that you are creating, in this apparently discrete moment, based on nothing more than a misperception of reality as it is and always has been. What most spiritual traditions call enlightenment is associated with a seemingly endless process of unnatural manipulation of the bioenergies of the body, brain, and conscious mind. Even the highest ascendant states (e.g. Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Sahaja Samadhi) are nothing more than an artificial absorption beyond the roots of causation in time and space, filtering the contents of the conscious mind to the exclusion of everything else. Such states are often related to ideas such as formlessness and finality. The Vision that is conveyed via transmission in Our Way is one of non-finality, non-acceptance of levels (e.g. “highest” or “lowest”), and ultimately, form-“fullness”. It is a realization that the very urge to merge with the infinite is inherently a rejection of the original and necessary motive for finite expression and expansion – to put it in layman’s terms, “running back home in fear after stepping on a twig in the forest”. (Was it truly a monster waiting for you there in the darkness or your own shadow?) A deep and thorough discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this FAQ. If you resonate with these words, we suggest you take up The Way as a student.


Calling oneself omnipotent and claiming a power to create equal to God’s is extremely presumptuous and dangerous. Don’t you worry that you could be leading people astray?

Presumption, by definition, is something that is taken for granted on the premise of its probability. This, indeed, is quite dangerous. It indicates a lack of tangible, self-authenticating experience and can do nothing but reinforce illusion and misperception in life. Individuals of a religious persuasion may argue that even experiences can be evoked by unwholesome, negative, or demonic influences. Such conceptions are a result of a split, false identity in which an infinite creator has become separate from its creations, leaving the creations with the delusion that they think and act independently, with their own intentions. There is only One Mind, One Reality. You are this Reality, but you have become lost within your projections (i.e. creations), no longer able to distinguish the victim from the victimizer. To lead a person astray, you would need to tell her that she is in danger and that all her horrible nightmares are real and capable of causing prolonged or irreversible damage to her being. This is ludicrous; a result of deep insanity. When you wake up inside the dream, you can no longer be persuaded to believe its images as your external reality. In that moment, all illusions of the enemy are abolished, for they were none other than your own shadow.

You make many fantastic, unverifiable claims on your site. How do I know this is not just another pseudo-spiritual cult looking to take advantage of emotionally desperate people?

You don’t. You should highly suspect any individual or organization asking for the acceptance of allegations on the basis of a concept or philosophy alone. All claims, especially those that are fantastic or unfounded on universally accepted laws and precepts, are not verifiable by any other means than personal experience. Of course, even subjective experience is vulnerable to suggestion, hypnosis, persuasion, and the like, but Our Way operates prior to the mind and is perceptible only by a faculty which cannot be described in words. This faculty is self-affirming and self-authenticating. A desperate, disturbed individual will have great difficulty locating it. Although The Way is open to consideration by anyone, regardless of their beliefs and mental state, we nonetheless believe that this process can be effectively used only by those individuals who are clear in their intention and free of any confusions or instabilities in discrimination. Our Transcend Genomics program was created specifically with the intention of assisting such individuals in the fundamental process of balancing body and mind. Though it could be embraced in isolation from Our Way (as many people do), that program is ultimately best engaged as the first step to creating greater mindfulness and physical equanimity for the purpose of going deeper into the process that is offered here.


Are Master-Teachers of The Way enlightened?

Yes. And so are you. To presume un-enlightenment in yourself or others is to commit the ultimate error. As long as you perceive a world in darkness, that will be the world you live in.

How does a Master-Teacher of The Way compare to traditional masters, gurus, and spiritual teachers?

Most religions, philosophies, and spiritual approaches to enlightenment describe their paths in specific terms and symbols. These paths are usually accompanied by long, complex, and wordy tomes, the deification of a human being from the past or present, and (if the teacher or master is living) endless, long-winded talks about the nature of reality, the “Truth”, the ego, and all manner of subjects that reinforce the pressing seriousness and profundity of their way. With all this baggage of thought-forms describing freedom, bliss, and the methods or “relationship” required to enjoy them, they are, unfortunately, fundamentally flawed. The True Teacher is beyond word and action. You, Your Deepest Self, is what you must awaken to, and there is no way to explain “how”. If you come across a master or teacher telling you, in no uncertain terms, “what the Truth is”, run in the opposite direction. Any actions or words in This Way are single-mindedly about removing misperception, clearing obstacles in the mind, and expanding your sensitivity to perceive what is already present. There is nothing to be found because it has never been apart from you. A Master-Teacher in This Way is none other than a temporary illusion that You, from Your Depth, dreamt up in order that you might be led back onto the path in times when you have become lost in the woods. Our process is not something you carry with you for the rest of your life such as a sacred text, a mantra, or an image of a saint, deity, or guru. Our purpose, and only desire, is to free you as quickly and effectively as possible, so that you may remember Who you are and What you have appeared here to do. To tell you that it’s time to go back home is to deprive you of your gift to make your home wherever you may choose.

Is contact with a Master-Teacher required for progress in The Way? Can’t I simply study the course on my own and benefit just the same?

Contact with a Master-Teacher is not a requirement for progress. It never has been, nor will it ever be. We nonetheless consider transmission the foundation of practice in The Way, so we encourage participation in the regularly scheduled sessions as early as possible. You are free to register as a student and subscribe to our primary Course without ever participating in a transmission session. These sessions are free, however, and offer indispensable guidance in the basics of practice, so you should certainly strongly consider participation. Regardless of whether or not you actively make use of the transmission, our primary Course is administered sequentially with carefully planned breaks. This is a necessary flow based on an understanding of the structure of purification and optimization as it unfolds in most individuals. If, at some point, you have a desire to architect solutions and innovations within the context of Mastery of The Way, then you will be required to undergo formal Master-Teacher initiation and extended training. Our basic courses, programs, and seminars, however, are open to all registered students.


It seems you are side-stepping formal contemplative or meditative practice in favor of a philosophy of worldly action. Isn’t meditation necessary for spiritual growth?

Meditation has taken on a wide variety of meanings through the ages. In modern times, it can be anything from a contemplative practice for relieving stress in the body and mind to higher trance states of a transpersonal or universal nature. There really is no end to the ways in which meditation can be approached, but it almost always seems to be associated with a formal, sitting practice with minimal physical movement. As students of The Way are aware, there are numerous exercises throughout the process of purification, optimization, and realization that utilize formal, “stationary” meditative techniques in combination with additional support, if required. The purposes of these particular exercises are to focus the conscious mind on a specific aspect of subjective reality such that the student may deepen understanding of existing misperceptions and illusions. The ultimate goal of Our Way, however, is to become transparent to the pre-existing state of constant, unbroken mind, free of the motive to “seek and find”. This is an inherently active, “dynamic” meditation which, in its ultimate fulfillment, is untouched and released of all the apparently external influences of objective, physical reality. The search for spiritual growth, traditionally, is one in which the aspirant assumes, from the very beginning, their basic confusion, suffering, and felt distance from perfect freedom, bliss, and joy. Our path does not make such assumptions. Rather, the student is encouraged, via initiation by transmission, to become aware of the pre-existing and immediately tangible reality of her True Self, without the belief or expectation that a long and arduous process of self-work or self-transcendence need be adopted. This path is quick, decisive, and penetrating of all illusion. It collapses time and, by opening the channel between subconscious and conscious mind, allows a perpetual and timeless contemplation in the roots of consciousness to be assumed in all areas of an active, influential life in the world.

Private Consultation

My request for private consultation was turned down. I really need help, but I feel that the organization is trivializing my problems. What can I do?

We consider requests for private consultation on a person by person basis. Many factors are reviewed when coming to a decision, including (but not limited to) a student’s current level of practice, the presence of an answer in this FAQ to the question / problem, and the perceived abilities of the student to overcome a problem independently (thus strengthening resolve and faith in the process). Unfortunately, the volume of students and requests for consultation at any given time may be far beyond our capacity to handle. If this is the reason for turning down your request, you have our deepest apologies. In such cases, we will typically put you on a waiting list or schedule an appointment further into the future. In any event, you will always be informed of the reasons for not being granted consultation with critical advice on how you can best work with your issue. At any time, you can re-apply and update your questionnaire indicating any new reasons that support your need for mentoring. It is our desire that every student become self-sufficient, as this is a fundamental quality of mastery and critical to becoming an effective force in the area of humanity you have chosen to influence.

Reality vs. Dream

Eastern religions call this world maya (illusion). They claim that we can never fully be released from suffering until we transcend it and reach Nirvana. Yet, you are saying there is no need to end the dream (maya). Are you implying that ancient Eastern religions are mistaken?

Yes. They are absolutely mistaken and absolutely deluded. We understand that this challenges a deep and complex system of thought, philosophy, and way of life, but step back for a minute from your reaction to this statement and ask yourself, “How has the world changed as a result of the belief in maya?” Eastern religions, in particular, call for the transcendence, and thus escape, from the illusion of separate, egoic existence. Through this tenet, they are reinforcing the belief that egoic experience is inherently unpleasant and ultimately undesirable. There is a fundamental flaw in this philosophy, namely the subtle presumption that the ego is the source of all suffering and dilemma and, as such, must be obliterated through absorption in the infinite, the True Self. The ego is simply a structure that supports the conscious mind in its navigation of time and space. To believe its source is not in the True Self is to contradict the singularity and perfection of the universe. Without the ego-structure, there is no differentiation in the field of subjective and objective experience. If the majority of individuals on this planet believed that the purpose of humanity was to attain an egoless state of being, perfectly absorbed in the Source of All, this world would not disappear – quite the contrary, it would sink deeper into chaos and anarchy. Some might argue that the universe would cease to be, due to the absence of a motive to become manifest, but this is an illusion arising from the false perceptions of the reality-filtering brain. Truly, the creative impulse of the Universal Mind is not reversed by any actions on the part of its discrete creations. It cannot be reversed, because it is timeless. It moves neither forward nor backward in time, but rather expands infinitely in endless dimensions and realities. It is, therefore, foolish to assume that the motive to existence in a physical world is founded in ignorance and error. This is an insult to our infinite wisdom and perfection. We are here to expand the expression of the infinite in apparent finite form. We must be doers, influencers, and realizers, not renunciates. The world will continue to manifest of its own accord, and we must not turn away in fear or with the motive to escape. Suffering is self-created.

I don’t understand how you can call reality a dream. It is so concrete and often unpleasant.

Anyone that has ever experienced a vivid nightmare while sleeping can attest to the realness of it up until the point of waking up. It is only when you have become re-oriented to the physical senses and its world that you have a reference with which to dismiss the nightmare as a figment of your over-active imagination. Few people would dispute that dreams are reflections of an individual’s personal reality, as it has been constructed through subjective and objective experiences. What is not universally acknowledged (at least in our time) is the fact that the reality of the physical senses via body and brain is actually a more lucid and consistent form of dreaming. The body and brain are mechanisms through which the conscious mind perceives the apparently external world. Ultimately, however – body, mind, and its world are all manifestations of thought using the exact same channel as sleeping dreams. Outside time and space, you, as Your True Self, have deliberately created, from an ocean of infinite though-forms, the parameters of body, mind, and its world. It can be called an illusion, but truly, it is You, exists as You, and is in no way separate from You. It is a miraculous paradox, comprehensible only from the point of view of the Mind that created it. Unfortunately, you have forgotten Who you are, and have become lost in the confusion between thought and reality. Humanity is entirely responsible for the world we experience. It is unpleasant only by virtue of the simple fact that we have forgotten the power we possess to influence and transmute our manifest thought. We only seem to be victims of circumstance, in the same exact manner as you perceive yourself as the victim in a sleeping dream. There is no difference. Waking up from the dream of physical reality is equally as possible and easy as waking up from a sleeping dream. You have simply forgotten how. This Way is the process of remembering how, without returning to the source of your discrete existence. It could be called “lucid living”.

If reality is truly a dream, then what’s stopping me from going out and doing whatever I want in the world? After all, none of it is real, right?

You must not forget that until humanity at large has been awakened to its dreaming activity, it will move and exist under the presumption of the independent, finite reality of its manifest thought. You were born with the ability to be and act in the world in whatever way you choose. To simply say, intellectually, that physical life is a dream before awakening to the experience of this reality, is delusional and, at best, extremely dangerous. What does it matter if you believe that all experience is a dream if, in doing so, you have lost your compassion and emotional sensitivity to the plight of others in the dream? Pain and suffering are very real for those that are still caught in the nightmare. Is your purpose truly to behave as you desire, without regard to the effect your actions may have on others? People that have remembered their True Self are awakened to a level of responsibility, integrity, and compassion far beyond the capability of a sleeping mind, enamored of its freedom of action. Everyone and everything that you experience is a part of You. If you attack an other, you are ultimately attacking Yourself. There can be no joy, happiness, or abundance in a state of attack or defense. Such states are based on the presumption of artificial independence and separation from True Reality. If there is nothing else you understand, understand this: there is no ultimate freedom until You, in all your apparent forms and lives, have woken up. There is no possibility for independent awakening any more than it is possible to do whatever you want in life without experiencing repercussions. When you understand how we all collectively create our reality, then you are on the path to turning humanity away from their illusions and toward their true potential and power. Then, and only then, you are radically free to do, create, or be anything you desire.


By renouncing all forms of media, won’t I be the target of ridicule by co-workers, friends, and family? Am I expected to renounce them as well?

It’s very unlikely that people will ridicule you for withdrawing from news streams. They may find it strange or consider you to be ignorant and naïve, but this is not of your concern. First of all, you must understand that this renunciation is not permanent. It is only a temporary filter to provide you with the necessary space to clear and strengthen your mind. Further, most people are unconsciously hypnotized by the media, to one degree or another, and are largely blind to the subconscious influence it has on their deepest beliefs and expectations about life. Therefore, when they encounter someone who is not consuming their diet of poison, they may subconsciously become defensive of their habit and respond with retaliation. It may seem to you that turning away from and ignoring the predominantly negative images of the news media is unsympathetic and selfish to those that are suffering in the world. You must discover that this is a misperception. You cannot deeply help the world while you are still hypnotized by its message. It is an utter impossibility. As much as you would like to believe that you are strong-willed and clear in your purposes, if you experience an emotional reaction to tragic news, you are already under its spell. You must understand the root of all apparent problems in the world and be grounded in the conscious understanding that human beings are the victims of their own self-fulfilling prophecies. World events are complex and multi-faceted and are often the result of a long chain of collective beliefs. By the time they manifest in physical reality, they have already been buried in the process of cause and effect. Until you have experienced, in your own life, the mechanism by which your imagination gives life to thought and, eventually, concrete people, places, and events, you will not be able to properly perceive the reason for horrific occurrences. While under the influence of the drama of our collective nightmare, you can make small changes and help others by giving them immediate physical aid. In that sense, you can temporarily satisfy the needs of traumatized individuals. Sooner or later, you will need to come to the conclusion that you cannot uproot problems by manipulation of their apparently tragic results, try as you might. You must go deeper. And for this, you must temporarily step outside the stream of consciousness that is producing them in order to get your bearings.

How will I know what’s going on in the world if I don’t read or watch the news?

It is very dangerous, indeed, to presume that everything worth knowing about the world is conveyed in the mainstream news. Are you aware of the vast, almost unimaginable amount of love, joy, compassion, sympathy, and beauty that people are creating in every corner of the planet, every minute and every second of each day? More than likely, you are not, because most streams of public information, including the random messages from social media, tend to focus only on negative events and happenings. If you are going to become a profound influencer in the world, you are going to have to awaken to the mass psychosis that the world has fallen into as a result of their false perceptions and beliefs. If you don’t believe this is happening, ask yourself key questions such as, “Is the world economy collapsing?”, “Is the environment becoming irreversibly polluted?”, “Is war and conflict an inevitable part of life around the globe?” Behind each of these questions are deeper, more archetypal presumptions such as “human beings are inherently selfish and greedy” or “we are a violent species”. If you concur with one or more of these statements, then consider yourself hypnotized. We say you may be hypnotized because the evidence you use to support such negative beliefs is based in the results as opposed to the causes. As a student of The Way, you will find, through direct experience, that reality is a faithful and unrelenting reflection of the personal and collective mind. People think and expect first, then experience later. World events are nothing more than a symbolic, flesh and blood representation of what we collectively believe about humanity and life on Earth. Once we see the results of our meditation in time and space, our beliefs are affirmed. It is, therefore, necessary to withdraw from a habitual focus on results and turn our attention to re-creating reality as we would prefer to see it. To read or watch the news is to engage in an external form of autosuggestion. Simply hearing or seeing thoughts manifest in events breaks down your subconscious intuition of their illusory and fleeting nature, solidifying impressions that become harder to turn around the more you meditate on them.

Solving World Problems

Do you really think you can transform persistent human issues like poverty, pollution, and overpopulation by telling people they are God? How could this possibly help the world?

Believing that you are God while still asleep and awakening to the memory of your True Self within the dream are two entirely different things. The former is delusional, egocentric, and ultimately self-serving. The latter is the greatest freedom, joy, and release that can be experienced by a human being. Only once you have tasted this possibility, the idea that the world you perceive could be transformed, through the re-shaping and transformation of subconscious belief, becomes tangible. As long as we exist as human beings, ignorant of the filtering and limiting functions of our brain and conscious mind, we are incapable of experiencing multi-dimensional, open-ended realities. We are instead relegated to the serialized, fragmented perceptions of the physical universe that the brain affords us. Further, we are mesmerized by the visions of horrific events such as poverty, pollution, and overpopulation, forgetting that they are ultimately self-created thought-forms, manifest in time and space by our own self-initiated contemplation. Simply by believing problems are illusory does not cause them to disappear. We are not implying, nor have we ever implied this. What we do claim is that by awakening a critical mass of human beings to their Real State, bringing them to the depth of consciousness and showing them how to live from that place of being, we create a shift in our ability to affect world events. This doesn’t happen by sitting in isolation and envisioning a perfect future. It does happen by clearing our minds of unnecessary aberrations, strengthening the channel between the conscious and subconscious, and drawing upon our deepest resources to invoke illuminated, comprehensive solutions and innovations. Once an idea has been manifested, then we merge it into society using holistically minded, time-tested, real-world practices, integrating all domains of humanity as needed, guided constantly by our connection to the Source of mind. The extent of change we will see in the world can be limited only by the level of commitment and response from the individuals worldwide that take up the practice of Our Way.

Your goal to manifest solutions for world problems by “tapping into the Infinite” not only sounds naively ambitious, but also downright idiotic. How do you expect people to swallow this nonsense?

There was a time, less than a century ago, when if you had told someone that they would be able to receive invisible waves of information carrying movies, music, and instant messages, right out of the ether with a handheld device, that person would have scoffed and labeled you an ignorant, weak-minded sci-fi fanatic. There were predictions of such technology, but nobody believed it was a near-term possibility, certainly not within their lifetime. Today, it is much easier for people to believe in the impossible with regards to technology, but we are still sorely lacking in our capability to imagine a destiny outside the realm of science. Nevertheless, geniuses and dreamers across the entire span of humanity have understood that solutions of known problems must often be found beyond the constraints of the conscious mind and its history of facts, parameters, and functions. There is ample evidence of the deliberate connection with the subconscious in the works of great minds throughout history. Consider that Dmitri Mendeleev envisioned the completion of the periodic table of elements, Niels Bohr the model of an atom, Einstein the Theory of Relativity, and James Watson the structure of DNA’s double helix – all from within a dream. The timeline of scientific innovation is replete with illuminations that were prompted by dreams or sub-conscious meditative states. What does this tell us of the nature of manifestation? At the very least, it conveys that we have been stumbling across ideas while in dream states. However, we have not, to date, applied this knowledge in a carefully graduated, guided manner. Our Society’s greatest experiment and life’s work is to fuse the worlds of transpersonal enlightenment, psychology, and neuroscience to probe and illuminate the depths of human creative potential. What may sound like far-fetched, ambitious ideas now will become the staple of all higher problem-solving and human innovation in the future. You have every right to be skeptical. Keep in mind, however, that skepticism, as a state of mind, has existed longer than enlightenment.

The Way of the Giver

By offering courses, mentoring, and seminars, aren’t you creating a cycle of dependency?

A cycle indicates that a series of events is repeating in the same or similar order. The Way of the Giver is not such a cycle. It is a dynamic, living being that adapts to every individual as needed by time and place. The Way can be as simple as the first transmission or unfold in the context of a comprehensive process of purification, optimization, and gradual realization. The speed at which this happens is entirely dependent on the student. It is important to understand that our educational activities are in support of a process that does not depend on anything but the student’s receptiveness and openness. It should be used as needed and dispensed of as quickly as the student is able. In that sense, it should not and cannot become a cycle. You may find that you enjoy the company of other members of our society. This is quite alright. It is free enjoyment. Living and practicing The Way can be many things – but never should it be a dependency. Our goal is to live, love, and work together to transform the world, helping those along the way that most need it.

So many other modern teachers talk about no limitations, boundless possibilities, and unlimited power, yet few students of their methods can claim results. Why should I believe this is different?

Ultimately, everything is a philosophy until you have experienced it, integrated it, and to a certain degree, become it. Up until that point, it’s just an idea, another thought, another hunch. In other words, it’s just a belief. While beliefs do shape your reality and your perception of that reality, they are still not the primary source of your experience. This Way is not a method, so it cannot be compared to other methods, techniques, or philosophies on the self-help meat market. Fundamentally, The Way is about transmission. Everything required for your faith, development, and mastery is given in the moment you receive The Vision. Results in this process are initially seen not in objective reality but in your deepest sense of subjective reality. A fundamental shift takes place from the very first moment, and as you will observe the people, places, and events in your everyday experience, you will notice that there is a synergy between your subconscious mind and the physics of objective reality. Our Society is yet young and in the process of growing in the awareness of the public at large. Over the coming years, what will be the most tangible result of this work is not the personal transformation of our students but the external transformation of world events. Some of this “evidence” will be directly traceable back to our Society while other signs will be less obvious. Nevertheless, our masters will be active and influential agents in major events that will shape the future and destiny of humanity. Nothing will change your belief more than by your participation.

So many things you say in your courses and literature are in direct contradiction to most mainstream religious and spiritual traditions. How can you expect to get global support without at least finding some common ground with other faiths?

It is not our intention to move contrary to the religious or spiritual beliefs of others. Every person has a rich and complex history of childhood upbringing, life experience, and transformative awakening that is as real and meaningful as the air she breathes. Nonetheless, it is simply not possible to awaken individuals to their True Reality by giving them philosophies or tenets that cannot be affirmed within That Very Reality. If by finding common ground with the mainstream faiths of our time, we abandon the possibility of revealing the boundless, radical freedom that is the source of all people of all times – then we have failed humanity. Prior to awakening to your Real State, beyond the dream of your physical reality, many things make sense and compel your beliefs and presumptions in apparently irrefutable ways. You will nonetheless discover that what appears to be a superficial or semantic contradiction in our descriptions of reality is, in fact, the deepest realization of that which you already presume. In a sense, This Way is not for those that are content in their beliefs or unaware of any lack or need in their being. As such, it does not attract such individuals nor make sense to them. When you are ready to hear, you will need no resolutions for the contradictions of your conscious mind. You will need no convincing. The part of your being that already knows will become dominant and verify everything that has been conveyed to you.


How can you assert that thoughts are transmitted from person to person? There is no scientific proof to back up this claim.

Neither is there any scientific evidence that the entire spectrum of time and space was not created a second ago, along with the illusion of memory. You see, our entire system of scientific analysis is based on what we perceive, and we never stop to ponder how great an effect skepticism can have on the possibility of a phenomenon’s appearance under formal conditions. History is replete with individual accounts of unexplainable experiences that, when subjected to the pressure of analysis, seem to collapse under the weight of observation. Science has much to say about the physical phenomena of time and space but is at a severe loss to explain, most essentially, what they are, especially with regards to matters of consciousness and perception. There are countless theories and speculations about the universe, but because the perception of reality is being created in every discrete moment of time, only made “directional” by the serializing function of the brain, it will never be possible to form a complete picture of its (reality’s) nature. Consistency of natural law is merely a persistent yet illusory collective mind-form. That said, if you are waiting for science to prove the existence of superluminal telepathy (which is the means by which transmission occurs as a phenomenon in the consciousness-space-time continuum), you may be waiting indefinitely. Scientific analysis precludes extrasensory perception, because this type of perception, by its very nature, operates outside the framework upon which the science of the senses is founded. A perfect example of this relationship between analysis and phenomena can be seen within dreams. Often, a person or object catches your eye in passing, but as you turn to investigate, the more you attempt to make out its details, the less descript and amorphous it becomes. True, the mind can be trained to mitigate the fluidity of mind-forms within the dream state and create an illusion of consistency and detail, but this is a very delicate balancing act between will and focus on the part of the dreamer. In physical waking reality, mind-forms are less fluid, so there is greater potential for the stabilization of details. We predict that there will come a point in time, perhaps in our lifetime, where the recognition of the dreaming mechanism as it pertains to physical reality will be merged with ever more abstract theories in quantum physics. Humanity will spontaneously cease to cognize reality as a sensory phenomenon and understand, intuitively, that it is an unbroken continuum of thought, which is energy. Thoughts are not merely electromagnetic phantoms transmitted across an individual’s neural web or between discrete brains. Thoughts are the very substance of material reality and the source and reason for the appearance of all entities, places, and events throughout all space-time. This is the secret to transforming reality, and thereby, the world.

I am experiencing nausea and a headache after a transmission session. Is this normal?

This is a perfectly normal response in many people. Transmission triggers a shift at the root of consciousness, prior to the depth of even the subconscious mind. Many deep-seated emotional and mental imbalances can spontaneously surface, causing a crisis in the physical organism, especially in the region of the solar plexus. It is important that you make every effort to relax into the process and not fight the symptoms. In this way, they can more readily purify and optimize the channel between your conscious and subconscious mind. Over time, you will observe a more palpable sensation of vibration in the brain and in the solar plexus which can, if the student is exceptionally relaxed, lead to a release of the “lock” on psycho-physical individuation. This is not the obliteration of the ego that Eastern modes of spirituality seek. Rather, it is a transformation of the relationship of consciousness to the ego such that you are no longer polarized by the individuating motive. Through this shift, you are balanced and strengthened, more capable of experiencing reality at the depth of consciousness rather than on the surface.

I feel like my body is two or three times larger than normal after the last session. It is very disorienting. Will this subside?

Do not be alarmed. As you will discover during the Introductory Course, there are many layers of electromagnetic energy that surround and permeate your physical body and brain. It is common for this permeation to be described as an “aura” in modern terminology, but your understanding and experience of it will go beyond all generally accepted conceptions. Through your utilization of transmission during your practice, previously weakened and nearly intangible electromagnetic fields, made obsolete through perpetual non-use in recent times, will become activated and magnified. You may become identified with this “personal emanation” and from time to time, shifts in perception may give the conscious mind the impression that your physical body has expanded. This is simply a recognition of the unbroken field of energy in which the body exists and, through extension, is connected with the deeper realms of conscious being. Ultimately, these fields are illusory, as they are only symbolic manifestations of mind, which, as you will directly experience, is the foundation and origin of all physical and non-physical reality. Do not pay much attention to such phenomena. Modern “spiritual” people put a great deal more importance on these energies than they deserve. As a master in The Way, you will become identified with an Awareness that exists prior to thought, in its energetically manifest form, and thus unaffected by its movement and activity.

Is the transmission a form of hypnosis, mind control, or auto-suggestion?

No on all accounts. Transmission is best described in the discussion of our basic tenets. It is extremely important for you to understand that it is not a physical phenomenon within the dimensions of time and space. As it is not comprehensible within the framework of the brain and, by extension, the gross physical senses, directly describing it in concrete verbal terms is inherently prone to misinterpretation. Nonetheless, it can be vaguely explained as an amplification of the dimensionless point where the abstract infinite and finite array of conscious dimensions intersect. It is perceptible by the conscious mind only by the imprint it leaves in the gap between thought and mindlessness. It can be considered the anchor by which the entire expansion of manifest forms across the universe pivots. It has never left You, as it is your symbol in time and space of memory. Master-Teachers in our way are capable of “locating” and “conveying” this symbol in a way that can be processed by the conscious mind. It is an extraordinary and inexplicably profound paradox. During your first moments of contact, you will continue perceiving, thinking, and being as you have always done up to that point. There is not, however, any loss in the power of voluntary action, and you will remain in conscious control throughout the “event”. It could be interpreted that by describing the nature of transmission, we are planting a thought in the minds of participants for the purpose of coercive persuasion. This could, in turn, evolve into some form of the participant’s subconscious adoption of a self-originating idea. Such interpretations are harmless and cannot operate, in any way, against the self-authenticating “illuminating moment” of your recognition. The only way you could possibly be immune or unaffected by transmission were if you were to forcefully invoke thoughts counter to the natural process of reception. This requires tremendous effort and, ultimately, if you are engaging in such thought activity, then you most likely are not a candidate for The Way. Transmission is most useful and effective in sensitive, emotionally balanced, passionately serious individuals that understand their presumed predicament in time and space and are ready to unravel the misperceptions that have kept them asleep.

Isn’t the transmission what Indian spiritual cultures call Satsang or Darshan? How is it different?

Being in the company of highly realized or enlightened individuals is an ancient tradition that has been with humanity for thousands of years. It is believed that the more time you spend with an awakened person, the greater your absorption and integration of their state of being. People the world over are engaging in this practice, only they have chosen co-workers, intimate partners, political figures, cultural heroes, or worse, commercial “pseudo-masters” in the self-help genre. Unfortunately, even many of the self-proclaimed highly awakened spiritual masters and teachers that offer their company to others are almost universally ignorant of the irreconcilable contradictions they are creating in the conscious and subconscious mind of the student.

In far too many documented cases of spiritual awakening, especially in the last century, we find an individual who has come in contact with a potent realization, in the form of transmission from the True Self, without having properly purified and optimized their body and mind. This causes what may only be described as “God Syndrome”. Through the force and intensity of their realization, they naturally attract others who are seeking for an experience of such freedom and bliss. Yet, because they have failed to understand the inadequate and limited adaptations of their body and mind to sexuality, fear, and other basic human emotions, these inadequacies surface in the process of transmission and are amplified both for the teacher and the student. Nevertheless, the teacher presses on, staging opportunities to indulge their weaknesses in the context of their “illuminating” work. As a result, we have seen multiple examples of ex-students of such teachers who were profoundly changed by spending time in their company yet simultaneously disturbed and confused by that same teacher’s exploitation of sexuality, greed, anger, jealously, fear, or desire for exclusivity and immortality. This is not to say that all teachers offering transmission are deluded by weaknesses they have not transcended. We are saying, however, that regardless of a master’s purity and integrity of desire to deeply help others realize freedom, they are engaging in a fundamental reinforcement of illusion by staging formal cultural and social circumstances for the communication of their transmission.

The illusion that is strengthened under these circumstances lies primarily in the misperception of levels and distinctions between the transmitter and the receivers. To further explain, consider that very few people that have spent great amounts of time in the company of an awakened master have themselves become awakened. The dynamic of the “one, discrete body that is awake” against the “many, discrete bodies that exist in ignorance and suffering” creates a chasm of misperception in the mind of the aspirant, because if and when they come in contact with the True Self, it is inevitably entangled in the physical relationship, appearance, and thought-forms of the teacher. For this very reason, Our Way rejects the traditional notions of Satsang and Darshan, because we understand that a student must not become destabilized by the visual images or thought-forms of the teacher, regardless of the force of transmission. For this reason, transmission in Our Way is staged within the context of non-physical communication via “connecting symbols” such as webinar or teleconference. Further, This Way is founded on the purification and optimization of the conscious mind with regards to sexuality, emotion, ego, and subconscious flow prior to exposure to the more esoteric and powerful practices in the stages of realization and mastery.

In This Way, the teacher is not the fundamental means for realization. Rather, you awaken to the awareness that the teacher is arising in You and as You, to create the necessary shift that must occur for your understanding of why you are here and what you must do. There are no “eternal relationships”, “covenants”, or endless cycles of self-work, ego release, or acknowledgement of your apparent state. Wholeness and perfection are assumed in you from the first moment. The only demand is that you allow your misperception to drop away so that you may see and act clearly, from the depth of conscious being. By this means, we spend the least amount of time required to assume the necessary state, thus maximizing our effectiveness in the world as direct agents of influence. Instead of receiving enlightenment in isolation or retreat from the world, it is expanded and deepened by giving it to others. It might be said that by seeing Your Self manifest before your eyes in your creations and the people that benefit from them, you will know Your Self more deeply and are thus freed from the cycle of escape from false reality.

You speak of transmitting The Vision to everyone you meet. Is there anything that would prevent or limit someone from receiving it?

A person’s ability to acknowledge and receive the transmission is entirely dependent on their perception of reality. We have experimented to great extent in both public and private settings with a wide variety of individuals. It has become quite apparent, in private settings, that if someone has had no direct experience of higher or refined states of consciousness, she will be less likely to notice The Vision, even if it is staring her right in the face (or radiating intensely in her presence). Nonetheless, meditative approaches and guidance with thoughts, as we provide to new students, is extremely helpful in first “locating” it. In public settings, it is very easy to identify individuals who have prior exposure to the practices of “mindfulness”, as they will stop what they are doing and look around in an intuitive response to having been “touched” or “contacted” by something non-descript. Rarer yet are those individuals who recognize The Vision immediately and receive it directly without announcement or formal contact from the Master-Teacher. Fortunately, the purifying and optimizing functions of transmission do not become active outside a formal setting, as they are directed and magnified explicitly within the apparently time-space relationship of the teacher and student. This does not mean you cannot have a deep and tangible effect in the realm of people, places, and events. It simply means that the most penetrating work must be in the context of formal, two-way “consent”. It is still possible to create shifts in others’ perception without their explicit acknowledgement of it. The degree to which it will become “active” in the arena of their personal, conscious mind depends entirely on their sensitivity and willingness for change prior to that contact. This has been confirmed, time and time again, in the realm of healing. Healers do not change the physical configuration of an individual, but rather magnify the pre-existing capability of self-healing in that person. If a person does not believe they can be healed, then no amount of transmission, energy work, or prayer can help them.


Doesn’t the act of amassing wealth run contrary to liberation from illusory reality? How can you be truly happy if you are dependent on money and the things money can buy?

As a result of humanity’s entanglement in the physically manifested projections of their True Mind, it has forgotten that everything it experiences is only a symbolic reflection of its deepest State. This is a hard concept to understand for someone who has never come into contact with anything more profound than the illusions of sensory perception in time and space. Nonetheless, it is precisely our projections that reflect and thereby indicate the nature of our conscious being. Our True Mind is infinite and is the Source of all discrete conscious thought-forms, both abstract and physically manifested. It is only through our belief in tragedy that tragedy appears in our world. Sickness and infirmity are not our ultimate condition but rather the manifestations of our belief and expectation that the body is corruptible, frail, and imperfect. Similarly, though we are infinite and all-powerful beings, we experience poverty, sometimes lifetime to lifetime, because we have been drowned in the illusion of a finite, harsh, and chaotic universe. This illusion is faithfully projected into the field of perception of the conscious mind and ego and made solid and apparently real in time and space. Wealth and signs of wealth are truly only symbols of a belief. They naturally appear, in accordance with a person’s deepest presumptions about life, and are as consistent as the presumptions are strong. Humanity at large is under the hypnotic force of its belief in scarcity. As a result, all signs of lack are appearing in the world in endless forms. Your motive to wealth or any other symbols of abundance in modern society should be based on the free pleasure you derive from them rather than your dependency on them. If you cannot be wealthy or cannot experience abundance in your life without being dependent on that experience for your happiness, then you have seriously misunderstood the true nature of reality. Our Way is grounded in the assumption of a state of being which is already happy, without limitation. We begin from this point. It is only from this state that true wealth, with all the symbols that reflect it in physical reality, will appear. We encourage our masters to embrace wealth, financial wealth in particular. Before doing so, however, they are subjected to a rigorous process of purification and optimization that frees them of the ordinary physical and emotional attachment to wealth that we see most commonly in modern society. Ultimately, if a master in The Way is to become truly effective, she must be in control of the energy that makes things happen in the world and not have any neurotic hang-ups or psychological obstructions about doing that. So it follows that if you have a negative perception of wealth or consider it to be “anti-spiritual”, we will have to work through that first before you can assume mastery. Moving “financial energy” around the globe (or even your community), via inspired and enlightened projects, is the foundation of Our Way. Otherwise, our Society would simply be another self-help or meditation group, ineffective and self-absorbed.

Many of the areas of influence in which your organization is active require political support. How do you propose to acquire approval, much less funding, from governments that do not support their own people?

As mentioned in the answer regarding our non-NPO status, we do not depend on government grants or public funding. Obviously, many of the areas of humanity in which we are active are already being served by a virtually endless list of charities, NPOs, and government-funded initiatives. We will work in cooperation with such initiatives to the greatest degree possible. We do not, however, support the common presumption that the most pressing global issues may be resolved exclusively in the sphere of politics. This presumption is based, fundamentally, on the limited misperceptions and illusions of the collective human psyche. As stated in multiple places across this site, the path to liberation and freedom for humanity lies in the depths of consciousness and our growing awareness of the mechanism by which our beliefs and expectations directly manifest problems in physical reality. Our deepest and most penetrating purpose is to draw a critical mass of human beings into this awareness and thus alter the political and sociological landscape of humanity. It is only from the state of most perfect transparency to the Universal Mind that the entire playing field of human possibilities may be envisioned. The rate at which we progress as a species and as a collective whole will increase with every human being that steps across the threshold into this Vision.

Why isn’t your Society setup as a non-profit organization if your ultimate goal is philanthropy and world change?

The World Visionary Society is not a charity. Our mission, first and foremost, is to create a major shift in the way humanity perceives and influences reality. We accomplish this goal by taking intelligent, inspired, and driven individuals through a comprehensive process of awakening, so that they may become luminary leaders in the world. Our principles and tenets are not currently understood by the masses, and so acquiring grants and funding for our activities, as an NPO, would be problematic, at best. It is our ultimate desire to attract independent venture capital and other sources of private funding by individuals and groups that not only resonate with our cause but see the creative, transcendent genius in our projects and experiments. Such an expectation could hardly be expected of political governing bodies, whose interests are often highly influenced by wealthy groups and conglomerates that do not always have the best interests of humanity at heart. We believe that the further removed an innovation or solution is from the influence of government during its inception, the more potential it has to evolve and grow organically with the people that are served by it. We do not underestimate, however, the need for government involvement, the world over, in creating laws and regulations that support our cause. Nonetheless, our Masters are expected to be in command of great wealth in the world, capable of independently generating and channeling the necessary resources into the projects in which we engage. In this way, we will not depend on volunteered labor but rather generously compensate our directors, managers, and experts by sharing profits realized from applied innovations and solutions.

Do you still have a question that was unanswered by this FAQ? Contact us, and we will make every effort to address your concern. If we feel our global community can benefit from your question, we will add it to the FAQ.